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‘Gibraltar: The Years of the Blockade’ Documentary to be Released

Chris Gomez

‘Gibraltar. Los años del bloqueo’ (Gibraltar: The years of the Blockade) Documentary 21st of November at the Palacio de Congresos de La Línea de la Concepción | 7:30 PM | Campo de Gibraltar

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary since the closure of the frontier, previously unpublished photos and testimonies by those who lived during the closure will be showcased at the ‘Gibraltar. Los años del bloqueo’ (Gibraltar: The years of the Blockade) documentary screening in La Línea this month.

The closure of the frontier was ordered by dictator Francisco Franco on the 8th of June 1969 and which caused 13 years of extreme hardship for families and friends on both sides until 1982.

The free screening of this documentary will be shown at the Palacio de Congresos de La Línea de la Concepción on the 21st of November and will begin at 7:30 pm – it is a free screening.

The production has been funded by the Provincial Council of Cádiz, and the script has been written under the guidance of well-known journalist and author Juan José Téllez, who has dedicated much of his work to the subject of Gibraltar.

Mayor of La Línea Juan Franco said:

“This is a job that has been carried out with great sensitivity in order to deal with a problem from which La Línea has still not recovered. We hope to have a good turn out and, above all, that the documentary will be to everyone’s liking.”


‘Gibraltar. Los años del bloqueo’ (Gibraltar: The years of the Blockade) Documentary 21st of November at the Palacio de Congresos de La Línea de la Concepción | 7:30 PM | Campo de Gibraltar

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