It is not every day that a Chancellor of the Exchequer tells us that “We must take decisions of eye-watering difficulty” (Jeremy Hunt MP in Parliament, 17th October 2022).
In times like this, there is no time for delay or prevarication. This applies as much to the Gibraltar Property Market as it does to any other field of commercial activity.
Notwithstanding Mr Hunt’s sobering words, the fact that a minister of his standing has acknowledged the realities is probably grounds for optimism.
Much worse that a finance minister should have tried to sweeten the pill and avoided the “hard decisions” which he has promised.

Pragmatists in the Gibraltar property scene advise that a plateau of the bull market that we have seen on the Rock for so many years is a possibility.
Certainly, this is much better than a radical downward readjustment and observers also point out that the appetite for new builds from well-established and experienced operators seems to continue undimmed.
Discretion is and always has been the better part of valour and those who want to sell residential properties would be well advised to acknowledge that in Gibraltar we still have a seller’s market and once the decision to sell has been made, nothing should be allowed to interfere with the speedy progress of transactions.

At Charles Gomez & Co, we have for many years operated a Fast-Track system which identifies all milestones on the road to a conveyancing completion in advance such as to avoid all pitfalls whilst also ensuring that no corners are cut.
This is no gimmick. Our Fast-Track system has been in operation for the best part of a decade and has been stress-tested.
Our team is ready to assist you from the get-go and even before your property agent finds a buyer, so that when this does happen, you can move with the celerity that current conditions demand.
Contact us today for more information or for a free quote at: or call us on 350 200 74998