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Fakery, Smoke and Mirrors: European Politics in 2019

Charles Gomez

Who are we to believe? As Gibraltar and the Campo de Gibraltar brace for the UK’s break with the EU, it seems that you can take your pick of any number of versions of why we have been plunged into this uncertainty.

The decision to secede from Brussels was taken in England and not Scotland, Northern Ireland, Gibraltar or even London… but England, its counties, rural areas and cities. The same England which in 1940 allowed parliament to appoint Winston Churchill without going to a general election.

The rest is history and in this day and age of hypersensitivity it might not be worth recalling in too much detail that Churchill successfully confronted the continental power of the day – obviously, there is no analogy to be made between Berlin in 1940 and Brussels in 2019, but English rejection of European ambitions is similar.

Author: Charles Gomez, Barrister at Charles Gomez & Co

The British decision to leave the EU took place more than 3 years ago and we have all been swamped by all kinds of excuses and explanations, but a recent report by Professor Matthew Goodwin of the University of Kent makes some startling revelations.

In contrast with the accusation that the referendum result was xenophobic, the data shows that more than 30% of the UK’s ethnic minority voters opted for Brexit. Cities such as Birmingham, Luton and Slough, which boast great ethnic diversity, supported leave.

The Remain campaign have been asking for a rerun of the referendum, yet the latest poll suggests that even more people want to leave now than in 2016.

We were told that Brexiteers didn’t know what they were signing up to, but a recent report by Cambridge University says that people who voted leave were well informed and knew exactly what they wanted, which is separation from the EU.

Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt
Jeremy Hunt & Boris Johnson

The architect of Brexit, Nigel Farrage, formed a party 6 weeks before last May’s European Elections. His new party, The Brexit Party, obtained 29 seats in the European Parliament and is now the biggest party there!

Unimpressed by the lovely sight of a jazz quartet playing the Ode de Joie, the new Brexit MPs rudely turned their backs on the musicians. Is this rudeness a sign that Europeans, or at least the English, have had enough of the refinements of the European elites?

Boris @ 10

Storming towards 10 Downing Street is the maverick politician, journalist and historian, the upper class, privately educated conservative firebrand Boris Johnson.

In a European scenario where many leaders are almost indistinguishable in their looks (Sanchez, Macron, Hunt, Casado, Rivera etc…) Boris, as he is commonly known, cuts a very distinctive figure.

Some say that he has moulded himself on the person of the great wartime leader, Churchill. His continual allusions to the Roman Empire underscore the nature of his national ambition. It has been said that Boris could be the best Prime Minister ever… or the worst.

European Politics Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill

He has mercilessly accused Theresa May of following a policy of ‘Miserabilism’ and promises to confront the new EU leadership, which takes office on the very day that Britain is expected to leave (31st October – Halloween) with vigour.

Reach-Alcance is proud to publish exclusive comments made by Mr. Johnson to Gibraltar and the Campo de Gibraltar. His message is positive.

The final decision as to who is going to be the next Prime Minister will take place today, the 23rd of this month, and neither do we know how long it will be before a new general election, but whether or not Mr. Johnson is chosen, his words will be of interest to our readership.

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