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Coronavirus & The Human Spirit by Kathy Temple

Kathryn Temple | The Success & Happiness Psychologist

Coronavirus & The Human Spirit by Kathy TempleThe Success & Happiness Psychologist

I can imagine in times to come attempting to explain to my great grandchildren what it was like to live through these extraordinary and unprecedented times.
Just a few months ago, one of my granddaughters called me to ask:

‘Grandma what was it like to live through the war years?’ I explained to her:

‘I’m not that old my darling!’ Yet just a few months later, I find myself with some astonishment living through what feels almost like Biblical times. There weren’t so many stories with happy endings in the Bible as I recall, and yet, as many of you know, I am usually known as Kath – Ever Hopeful –Temple!

Kathryn Temple Success Coach Gibraltar
Kathy Temple Success Coach

None of us can hope to know what the true outcome of this time will be. We all hope in a childlike way for a happier ending, a miracle, a cure to be found. We have perhaps been raised on too many fairy tales and too many Hollywood movies. Life doesn’t always have happy endings. Too often they’re frayed at the edges and somewhat uncertain.

But one thing I know for sure is that the human spirit triumphs in of adversity.

Even Brexit is beginning to feel almost like a fond memory. Yes, I’m smiling. But there’s nothing funny about Coronavirus, despite the many jokes on social media.

Yet I love how the human spirit loves to laugh even in dangerous and even tragic times. It helps keep us sane, gives us the flipside perspective, reduces the perception of pain, lowers blood pressure, and it can even boost our immunity by up to 40% according to numerous research studies.

There have been many studies into the beneficial effects of humour for our Brave Heart doctors and nurses. Humour is a great coping mechanism at times of great pressure and stress, diffusing tension almost instantaneously, and strengthening bonds between people.

Kindness in dreadful times boosts and bonds us too. The incredible Viktor E Frankl, a Psychiatrist who survived the Holocaust, wrote the brilliant book ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’. His work inspired Psychologists Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow and George Kelly to create Humanistic Psychology. Viktor told stories of kindness even in the horrific psychic and physical torment of the evil concentration camps:

Victor E Frankl
Viktor E Frankl | Prof. Dr. Franz Vesely

“We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

We all have response-ability. In these times when our external freedom is being restricted, we can still choose our own way.

We are sentient sovereign beings, Divinity within. We are all much more powerful than we know and we can change and shape things much more than we know too. We have inner freedom, even if the outer freedom has been curtailed temporarily.
And whether or not we can exercise outdoors, we can exercise Kindness and Love on a daily basis.

I believe the land upon which we stand is holy ground. We are meant to be wherever we are in any given moment on any given day. And we can all do great good wherever we are. Even with restricted movement.

In Gibraltar I so often see shining examples of Kindness and Gratitude. Gibraltar is a different kind of place. It may be small geographically, and in population numbers, but it is a giant in many ways. I see a connected, kind, loving community. I see extended families helping each other every day.

Kathryn Temple Success and Happiness Coronavirus Gibraltar

I see strangers helping others because it’s the right thing to do. I see a sense of pride and collective responsibility. I see a generous-spirited, vibrant community. I see people clapping every evening for their health service workers who are giving so much in this time of crisis. I see people unselfishly volunteering to give their time and energy to help others, including those at The Happiness Foundation. I see unity in community.

Kindness and Gratitude are great contributors to mental wellness and resilience. They enhance relationships, boost physical wellness too, stimulating the vagus nerve, bringing coherence to our hearts, and boosting our immune system.
We have been created and ‘wired’ for Kindness. Whenever we’re Kind, whenever Trust is built, we release Oxytocin, ‘The Moral Molecule’.

It seems to be the social glue that bonds people and holds societies together. The giver and receiver are gifted with a glorious feelgood feeling – ‘the helper’s high’.

Stay high in your hearts my beloved soul community of Gibraltar. Let Kindness rock The Rock. Hold your inner and your outer sovereignty. Keep triumphing over adversity. Stay well. Be grateful you live in Gibraltar and know your loss of freedom will be reversed as fast as possible. Remember -Meaning and Purpose, Love and Kindness, Laughter and Humour, all boost your immunity as well as your spirit.

Stay spirited! Keep being the change you wish to see!

Kathryn Temple

Kathy Temple Happiness Foundation

Kathy Temple is a Success and Happiness psychologist. A grandmother, mother, an award-winning entrepreneur and social entrepreneur with a passion for making a BIG difference. Kathy founded the Happiness Foundation (2007) following the sudden death of her brother.

Kath has coached and mentored many business leaders, entrepreneurs, barristers, doctors, psychiatrists, psychologist, therapists. She has worked with Fortune 500 companies, Olympians, Paralympians and has made appearances on BBC, Channel 4 and TEDx to name just a few.

In 2016 Kathy set up her business “Temple of Success” in Gibraltar.”

Coronavirus & The Human Spirit by Kathy TempleThe Success & Happiness Psychologist

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