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Over 70’s to be Allowed Outdoor Exercise Under Same Rules as Rest of Population

Chris Gomez

Gibraltar lockdown regulations to be amended to allow over 70’s outdoor exercise under same rules as the rest of the population

“Having met the triggers for unlocking to commence, we are going to start relaxing the lockdown.” – Fabian Picardo

The Chief Minister of Gibraltar alongside Sir. Joe Bossano, today (27.04.2020) announced a very welcome piece of news for Gibraltar’s over 70’s population, which consists of over 3,600 people according to the 2012 census.

The press conference began with the current statistics for coronavirus cases on the Rock. Currently there have been 141 confirmed cases in Gibraltar; with 131 recoveries and 10 active cases currently – all of who are self-isolating and recovering at home.

After wide consultation, following public health advice, and consulting with the opposition, the Government of Gibraltar will be amending current regulations to allow those over 70 to exercise under the same rules that apply to the rest of the population.

This will come into effect this week: Wednesday 29th of April

Mr. Picardo said: “The change will allow our over 70s to go out in the same way as our regulations permit the rest of the population to do so,” stating that it will be “entirely voluntary for those affected to take advantage of the opportunity to exercise.”

The ‘Golden Hour Initiative

Air Quality Gibraltar Improves Coronaviurs Lockdown

The ‘Golden Hour’ initiative, which was met with some criticism when it was announced on the Wednesday the 22nd of April for being too restrictive, will still be made available to those in the vulnerable category who wish to exercise in a safer environment.

The Golden Hour initiative is intended to provide a safer space for the elderly to exercise outside while reducing the risk of contracting covid19.

On weekdays at 10 AM – 12 noon, the following locations will be made available exclusively to those over 70 who wish to exercise and take extra precautions while doing so: Eastern Beach, Camp Bay, Victoria Stadium and the Commonwealth Park. The areas will be cleaned and disinfected prior to the 10 am slot.

A Government press release states:

“It will be necessary to show a document like a health card which shows the age of the holder. The elderly will be expected either to walk to the area nearest to them, or to drive to the car parks at Eastern Beach or at Camp Bay next to the Nuffield Pool. They can be accompanied by an adult member of the same household. This means that in the event of using a car, they can only share a vehicle with an adult who lives with them. They can then walk in their chosen area for an hour and go back home afterwards. The different areas will be cleaned and disinfected before 10.00am on the relevant days. This is the “Golden Hour” scheme.”

The Chief Minister stated that the ‘Golden Hour’ initiative will not apply during Bank Holidays because “these areas will be made available to everyone,” and mentioned that this will all be kept under constant review and subject to changes.

It was also highlighted by the Chief Minister that the opportunity “must not be used as an excuse to meet or walk with friends or family”.

Sir. Joe Bossano reiterated that “the safest thing to do is not to leave your house,” in an appeal for Gibraltar to use common sense instead of being driven by fear:

“I don’t think it’s necessary to frighten people into not taking the risk, I think it’s important to appeal to common sense, and I think that most of the people who have survived to over 70 and beyond don’t need to be losing a night’s sleep if they follow the advice that has been given.”

“Inside your home, you cannot catch the virus unless someone has brought it to you.”

Gibraltar lockdown regulations to be amended to allow over 70’s outdoor exercise under same rules as the rest of the population

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