The Campo de Gibraltar boasts six fire stations employing 150 fire fighters in total, with a fleet of up to 40 vehicles of every type and specification to deal with all kinds of emergencies including fire and rescue, traffic accidents, floods, and building failures as required under the Emergencies legislation of Andalusia.
Co-ordination and organisation are the fundamental attributes of the Provincial Consortium and its fire crews to ensure their ability of rapid reaction to emergency calls. It could be said that nothing happens in the province of Cadiz which does not come to the notice of the provincial or district stations.
In the Campo de Gibraltar there is a central station in Algeciras, two main stations in Los Barrios and La Linea and sub-stations and smaller centres and teams in San Roque, Tarifa and Jimena.
From the moment that the voice on the loudspeaker of any of the stations announces an emergency and once its seriousness has been assessed, the order is given as to who should attend and what resources must be deployed. Detailed data bases provide maps of streets with names and addresses, any special access issues, the locations of fire hydrants, and particulars of nearby schools, businesses and centres. All this information appears on screens to allow for the quickest possible assessment and reaction. Shortly GPS (Global Positioning Systems) will come into play to make the system even more efficient.
The main objective always is to arrive at the scene of an emergency safely with all the necessary assets and with the minimum of delay.
All efforts and planning are aimed at achieving this and notwithstanding the large area which the units of the Consortium cover, its work and that of its stations and crews is widely recognised and appreciated by the general public.
Performance is key. In the station bays the fire trucks are cared for and maintained to remarkably high highest standards both on the outside and the motors and other working parts.
To the endeavour must be added public awareness and educational campaigns on matters of prevention. To this end the Consortium regularly visits schools and hosts pupils at its stations and participates in a wide variety of public events and presentations.
In this way does this well oiled machine daily provide the necessary security for persons and property.