The Almoraima magazine, founded in April 1991 by the Instituto de Estudios Campogibratareños (Institute of Campo de Gibraltar Studies) and the Mancomunidad de Municipios, is celebrating its 30th anniversary.
“If you really want to learn about the history, culture and heritage of the region, sooner or later you will need to read the Almoraima magazine, either the print edition or online.”
Eduardo Briones, Director of the Instituto de Estudios Campogibraltareños (IECG), and Juan Lozano, who is the president of the Campo de Gibraltar Commonwealth of Municipalities, celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Almoraima magazine this March 2021.
After what they described as a “very difficult” year caused by Covid-19 restrictions, which have forced countless cultural events to be suspended or postponed, they finally released their 53rd edition of the Almoraima magazine at the Villa Smith headquarters in Algeciras.
This time, the event was allowed to go ahead in-person, although with capacity restrictions and the same hygiene measures that we have been hearing about for over a year.
Lozano said that Almoraima magazine, edited by Ángel Sáez, is “a living example of academic excellence in the fields of culture, science and technology which represents a large group of intellectuals’ perseverance and ability to overcome difficulties here in the Campo de Gibraltar as they work quietly and altruistically for the benefit of us all”.
The numbers speak for themselves: Since 1991, over 1,000 researchers, authors and creatives have contributed to the IECG, and produced some 90 publications (53 of them published within the Amoraima magazine). They have also hosted over 40 seminars and presentations.
Three decades of impeccable work have made it possible for this organisation to reach their goal: To rescue, protect and enhance the region’s cultural heritage and knowledge in all its various and rich aspects.
The director said that, unlike other similar institutions which tend to focus on historical research, the arts and literature, the IECG has established itself as a “multidisciplinary and ambitious publication”, coving: Geography and History; Archaeology, Ethnography, Heritage and Architecture; Plastic and Image Arts; Music, Theatre and Dance; Flamenco; Literature, Philology and Information Sciences; Sociology, Law and Politics and Economic Sciences and much more.
Gibraltar: Part of the IECG Family
The organisation says that they are always “open to new ideas” and invite as many researchers, artists, thinkers and creatives to contribute so long as they provide quality research which contributes to enriching knowledge on the Strait. This includes research on “Gibraltar and North Africa” because, as Eduardo Briones put it, “we share a common heritage, and culture and science does not recognise geographic limits or political borders”.
Juan Lozano recalled that the main objectives of the IECG since its inception has been to “enrich the region”, this is demonstrated by the massive array of topics covered and the numerous public events throughout the Campo de Gibraltar as well as Gibraltar.
Although Gibraltar is not officially seen as part of the region, the IECG say that they view the Rock as an integral part of it, and training sessions and other cultural sessions regularly take place on this side of the frontier. The IECG’s own crest features a drawing of the Laja Alta ancient cave drawing with nine stars which represent the 8 municipalities and Gibraltar.
The IECG were also grateful for having received the 2020 Gibraltar Sustainability Award, which they viewed as an “important recognition” which Briones proudly said, “gives us visibility and adds to our prestige as well as increases awareness of our efforts”.
And now that the Brexit agreement has set a new stage for the area, this autonomous body of the commonwealth is looking at the future with hope and optimism, and with the conviction to “continue to count on Gibraltar, as we always have done”.